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About Presentations, Exploded Views, and Publishing | Inventor | Autodesk Knowledge Network.Autodesk inventor, Orthographic drawing, Autodesk - Explode a new presentation view automatically
Use the default template or a custom template to create a presentation file. Insert an assembly model and create tweaks, trails, and snapshot views. Use snapshot views to create exploded drawing views or raster images of the model. Or, create animations, and output them as video files. Presentations are not available in Источник статьи LT.
A presentation file includes one or more scenes. Scenes are independent and can use different source models and different sets of model representations. When you create a scene, you select a source assembly file. Then you specify a design view, positional, and level of detail representation to use. The positional and level of detail representations cannot be changed for existing scenes.
Presentations maintain associativity to the source model. Part and Assembly changes to models are automatically reflected in the Presentation source model. If presentation views are used in a drawing, the drawing views update with the Part or Assembly changes without having to open the presentation file. You can change the design view representation or associativity setting for an existing scene.
An associative design view representation propagates edits from the source model to the presentation scene. If appropriate, you can override properties inherited from an associative design view representation, for example component visibility.
When you start overriding a design view representation in a scene, associativity is blocked for overridden properties. Only the original property values are updated from the design view representation of the source model. If the Associative option is not selected for a scene, no link to the source design view representation exists.
Only the initial model and camera settings are populated from the design view representation. The Storyboard panel lists all storyboards saved in the presentation file. Storyboards include animations of the model and camera. Use storyboards to create videos, or to store settings for individual snapshot views or a sequence autodesk inventor 2017 exploded view free snapshot views in editable form. The Storyboard can be atuodesk and moved anywhere there is screen real estate available or docked to another monitor.
It can be expanded and collapsed. Tweaks and actions can be Instant or Autosesk. Instant actions are finished immediately. Duration actions are a timed transition during which the action takes place. Create snapshot views to save views of a model in the IPN file. Each snapshot view stores specific component positions, visibility, opacity, and camera position. A snapshot view can be independent or linked to the animation timeline. Independent snapshot views are fully editable. Snapshot views linked to the animation timeline источник connected to a storyboard, and their editing is limited.
Both independent and linked snapshot views are listed in the Snapshot Views panel. A mark autodesk inventor 2017 exploded view free the bottom right corner of the thumbnail image indicates that a snapshot view is linked to a storyboard. A snapshot view mark on the storyboard timeline denotes position of the linked snapshot view.
When you select a snapshot view in the Snapshot View panel, the corresponding snapshot view mark is highlighted in the storyboard. You can select a different design view representation for each presentation scene to get different model and camera settings. Alternatively, you can use the autodesk inventor 2017 exploded view free design view representation, and create snapshot views in the IPN file to store specific component visibility and camera settings. Design View Representations You can autodesk inventor 2017 exploded view free the design view invenyor or associativity setting for an existing scene.
Storyboards The Storyboard panel lists all autodesk inventor 2017 exploded view free saved in the presentation file. An animation consists of tweaks and actions recorded on a storyboard timeline. To add tweaks or actions to a storyboard, place the playhead to the desired position on the storyboard timeline, and then define the tweak or action. Tweaks represent component moves or rotations. Tweaks have duration by default, but can be made instantaneous. Actions explodded changes in component visibility and opacity, and changes in camera position.
Hover over a snapshot view mark to display name of a snapshot view. When edits in a storyboard affect a linked snapshot view, the snapshot view is marked with an Update icon. The icon indicates the autodedk and the snapshot view are not synchronized. Click the Update icon to update the linked snapshot view with edits from the storyboard. Component Visibility and Camera Settings You can select a different design view representation for autodesk inventor 2017 exploded view free presentation scene to get different model and camera settings.
Create /12599.txt scenes to work with different source models or different sets of representations in one presentation file. To Create Presentation Storyboards and Onventor Models An animation consists of actions arranged on the timeline of one or autodeak storyboards.
Animations are used to publish videos or to create sequences of snapshot views. Exploxed Work with Trails in a Presentation Trails are the visible representation of tweak paths and values, whether distance or angular.
You can control aspects of trails. To Work with Camera Position, and Component Opacity and Visibility Camera and component opacity and visibility provide the means to manage scene content and autodesk inventor 2017 exploded view free fxploded is displayed.
To Create Snapshot Views in a Presentation Snapshot views store component positions, visibility, opacity, and camera settings. Snapshot views are /20917.txt or linked to a storyboard timeline. Use snapshot views to create drawing views autodesk inventor 2017 exploded view free raster images for Inventor models.
To Edit Snapshot Views Independent snapshot views are fully editable. Editing of linked snapshot views is limited to camera changes. The drawing views keep links to the source snapshot views, and are updated when you edit the snapshot views in the presentation file. To Edit Presentation Storyboards Use the Storyboard panel нажмите для продолжения edit action properties and to arrange actions on the timeline. The changes are intended to improve the interaction with the components used for making exploded views and assembly or disassembly animations.
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